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HoloLens 2

Branding & Identity


Marketing CD – Douglas Montague

Product CD –
Ramiro Torres 

Brand & Storytelling – Alexis Copeland

Computational Design – Albert Omoss

Product Photography Art Direction – John Nguyen & Ovidiu Bogdan

Lifestyle & Campaign Visuals – Cinco


HoloLens 2 is the most comfortable, immersive, instinctual, and untethered Mixed Reality experience from Microsoft.

To reveal its engineering and design to the world, I worked alongside HoloLens' product design team and marketing team to build a cohesive product launch that was announced by technical fellow Alex Kipman at MWC in 2019.


HoloLens' brand identity is inspired by its holographic design system. Prismatic gradients of color are motivated by human interaction while triangular, generative graphic gestures hint to HoloLens 2’s spatial perception of the world. These design elements showcase the dualities of the real and mixed world.


Microsoft brand's guidance for typography is traditionally very reserved and cohesive across our product offerings, but our holographic design system warranted an exception to this rule.

To give HoloLens a distinctive feel, we treated the HoloLens 2 logomark with a living prismatic gradient that references to how it's hardware mixes light, then superimposed into reality as a shimmering artifact of its medium. 

And to celebrate the technical achievement of this second product version, we went bold with the 2 mark and used it as a primary graphic element.

These extra layers of typographic intention help bring the brand identity closer to product truth.


Tone–on–tone product imagery draws focus to HoloLens' ergonomic design and slim form factor. Each 3D element was modeled and textured in extreme detail with careful art direction that gives the product rendering a premium and photorealistic look and feel.

Lastly, we created a holographic design gesture that mimicked how HoloLens' sensors see, scan, and intelligently map data from the metaverse into our physical space. The gesture is used as a transitionary element and design motif across many of our visual communications.


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